Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump Forecast

I think I'll indulge myself today and read way more into this forecast than is really there. But, isn't it fun (or telling) to see the big rain cloud over the exact moment Trump took office?!!? Here's hoping for sunnier days.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


The weather outside is frightful delightful frightful, no delightful. And strange. One day it snows, and the next it's 60 degrees and balmy. Come on, January.

The weather is emblematic of the ups and downs I've been feeling this fall, in the aftermath of our move back to the States. It takes a while to adjust, get settled, and start living normally again. Not sure if I can check all of those off, but I'm at least now ready to fake it until I make it.

So here we go. 2017.

I imagine they'll be some bumps along the way.

Yesterday in the school yard:

Today, in the same spot. So long snow. Today, it's outdoor recess.