Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dear Madrid, Can We Just Be Friends?

Dear Madrid,

No te amo.

I simply wasn't feeling it during this weekend's interlude.

I am sorry to be so blunt, but it's probably best if both of us to speak clearly about our feelings.  I'm also learning how to be more direct, living here in Amsterdam where you say what's on your mind.

Anyway, I feel terrible telling you this as I know how much you need a little love right now.  Your economy is at an all-time low, with unemployment at a whopping 26%.  To help those in the most need, anyone making over 80,000 euro is taxed at 56%.  It hard for anyone to feel good, to feel motivated.

Budget cuts are being felt by everyone, particularly by your city workers.  I just learned that a recent austerity measure slashed all salary increases for garbage collectors, who subsequently went on strike a few days before our rendez-vous.  It's a messy time for you Madrid, and I'm sad for that.

Don't get me wrong, however. We had a lot of fun this weekend, and I realize tourism is the most important industry sustaining your economy right now.

The Museo del Prado is stunning, architecturally-speaking and with regard to the scope and quality of its collection.  The collection features European works from the 12th century through the 19th century, and is considered the best collection of Spanish art in the world. 

Neoclassical facade with statue of Velázquez.

Apparently, Velázquez was one arrogant son-of-a-gun.

Our personal guide took us on a tour of the permanent collection and the current special exhibit featuring Velázquez. 

Velázquez, Goya and El Greco are the most famous Spanish painters, the first two of whom were the royal court painters during their times.  The Prado is proud owner of many of the paintings considered to be these artists' masterpieces.

Goya, The Naked Maja

Goya, The Clothed Maja

Velázquez, , Las Meninas

El Greco, The Nobleman with His Hand on his Chest

I'm sharing an image of one of Bosch's famous triptychs because he's Dutch, and because this painting is housed in Museo del Prado. I simply cannot believe Bosch painted this in the 16th century--it seems so modern.

Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights

The Royal Palace is sumptuous too.

Madrid, I also love your restaurants and local foods. You steal my heart with every bite.  Nothing exemplifies your contemporary culinary scene as well as Mercado de San Miguel.

Check out these chilis!  Wish I hadn't already had lunch.
Loved ones and sangria.

Um, Dad?
Taking a break at the Mercado and enjoying some chocolate con churros.  YUM.

It was also nice to see a Starbucks, especially since we had combined business with pleasure to have a weekend in Madrid.  The store near our hotel is LEED Plantnum certified, one of only two in all of Europe.

Of course, it is at this Starbucks that my mobile phone was stolen, and I felt a bit cranky for part of the day.  Thank you for perking me up, Madrid!  You can be so silly.

Hola, Don.

Madrid, you're also so romantic.  You were trying hard Saturday night, with dinner and a show.

Our weekend was wonderful, Madrid, but I cannot lie.  My heart's not in it.  Or differently, Madrid, I can't find your heart. I'm having trouble finding (the) Spain in Madrid.

My dalliance with your sister-city, Barcelona, just a few years back, was much more soulful.  Perhaps I'll go back.  To find Spain, that is.

I hope we can still be friends.


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