Monday, December 8, 2014

Muffin Chops

The third stop on our US tour (way back in October) was to visit Grammie and Aunt Shayna, Doug's mom and sister, in Washington DC/Maryland.  We don't get to see them often, so this was a really special leg of our trip.

We were milking every chance we had to celebrate Halloween since it's practically non-existent here in the Netherlands, and Grammie and Aunt Shayna were happy to indulge us. 

Grammie and Aunt Shayna made A & R's day with black cat face painting:

Here we are planting Dutch tulip bulbs in Grammie's front yard.  I mean, we didn't get sniffed out and checked out by the agricultural police dogs at the Boston airport for nothing . . .

Abby and Reese really loved seeing their grandmother and aunt.  Grammie always makes it fun with secret rooms and cute games, like Easter egg hunts (Halloween style this time).  She calls A & R her little muffin chops, a term of endearment that they (and I) will always and forever associate with their grammie.  xoxoxo.

I also want to give a shout out to our friends Angie and Rob.  Our visits with them were too short, but worth every minute around the beltway.  :-)  Angie, returning to your house is like a home-away-from-home.  Can't even begin to imagine how much time I've spent with you there!  Thank you for your hospitality.

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