Monday, March 16, 2015

F***king Perfect

One of the things that struck me when we moved to Amsterdam was how often the Dutch drop the F-bomb or say "shit."  The curse words fly around here, especially all the "bad" words they know in English.

I'm not exactly priggish and happen to think the F-word fits certain situations in a way no other word can.  And I suppose I'm a somewhat regular user.  But that first summer here in Amsterdam, standing on the sidewalk in front our house with neighbors and their kids, I couldn't believe the swearing!  In front of the kids, to the kids . . ."Oh, what the f**K, how did that happen sweetie?  Let me see your boo-boo."  I'm not kidding.

It's common for a person not to fully grasp the strength/emotion/significance of word when it's not in one's native language or culture.  This is true for anyone learning a second language.  There are plenty of rather nasty words in French that don't sound nearly as shocking to me as they would certainly be considered if I said them aloud in conversation with my French friends (it doesn't help that even the nastiest words sound so pretty in French).

I imagine this is much of what is happening here in Holland, but the word "f**k" is so pervasive and used by adults and kids alike, I can't help but think that it has skipped past being a loaner word from English and is now fully incorporated into Dutch culture in its own unique way, one that would be surprising in the US.  It is much more everyday over here--less vulgar.

So today, while on my morning run, I got quite a giggle when I saw this poster advertising a new Dutch film.  It illustrates my point f**king perfectly!

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