Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Here, There, Everywhere

Oh my, this has been one heck of a week. We've been to Africa, NYC and OH in the last 10 days, and we're headed out again on Saturday for another adventure. In the space in between, we've moved apartments and celebrated a birthday. Top it all off with 105 degree heat wave, and you get the picture.

But we slow it down for all the right moments.

Happy 7th birthday to my spirited little boy. You're a happy, enthusiastic, passionate young man with a bit of a temper. Can't wait to see where it all gets channeled. Thank you for grabbing Manhattan by the scruff and going on this walk with us--your excitement is infectious, even on the occasional night when you're exhausted and "want to go home to Amsterdam." We adore you, sweetheart.

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