Sunday, May 17, 2015

Nike 10K - Amsterdam

What an old woman I am!  9:00PM feels so late to go run a 10K. I guess, however, here's no resisting the excitement of a NIke's Women's Race.  It's been a few years since I've done a Nike race . . . it was back in 2011 that D and I ran the San Francisco Nike half marathon on behalf of LLS and our friend, Patrick.

D couldn't join me this time (all girls), but as always he was my biggest supporter.  So happy he was there, for I knew no one until bumping into friends after the race.  Thanks, husband, for pumping me up.  xoxo

What a high to to find D, and this gal pal, at the finish line. So proud of SF, who ran her personal best at 41:47 (holy s**t)! 

And proud of myself, for besting by best 10K time ever!  Woo hoo!

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