Sunday, September 13, 2015

I Need Vitamin SEA

We're taking a few moves from a friend's playbook recently, since there's nothing like someone else's bucket list to get yourself inspired!

D and I celebrated 11 years married on September 4th, but having just rolled in from summer vacation and straight into back-to-school mode, we didn't get our act together to properly celebrate. So, while the kids were tucked into school one day last week, we stole away to the beach for an anniversary lunch (thanks to some friendly inspiration, of course).

Happy anniversary to us!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! how fun is that place? happy anniversary! mayyyybe i have ordered custom plates/bowls/etc that say "chez fritsch" in the exact simple design as the george plates. #stillbuyingsouvenirs

    miss you so much it hurts
